Accurate reporting on all areas of this world-renowned brand’s business.
Issue description
The aim of this project was to ensure komplex reporting on the areas of merchandising, logistics, controlling, allocation, loyalty.
years of successful colaboration
financial savings
improved efficiency
reliable data warehouse
The core of the solution is a data warehouse that consolidates data from the primary warehouse and POS system. OLAP cubes are created on top of it, along with dozens of business reports. The reporting portal is used by over 300 individual users who generate several hundred requests per day.
In 2012, the project for M&S was awarded in the 14th Microsoft Awards – the competition for the best implementation of IT solutions for customers in the Czech Republic in the field of Data Management and Business Intelligence.
As part of the project we delivered:
A wide portfolio of business reports
Delivery of selected reports
Customer segmentation
Promotion evaluation
Accounting and controlling reports
Anti-fraud reports
Loyalty program effectiveness
Použité technologie
Oborová řešení
“Značku Marks and Spencer zná téměř každý, bylo tedy velmi zajímavé nahlédnout pod pokličku této úspěšné mezinárodní značky a pomoci jim realizovat pro ně klíčový projekt Reportingu.”
Spokojený klient
„Projekt vývoje nového reportingu je pro naši firmu strategický. Umožní nám řídit business na základě včasných a přesných informací.“
Controlling & Reporting Manager