Story of Alexandra Profantová

From corporate to a smaller company as a Senior BI Consultant

Read the story

18 years in one company does not mean the end of a career, quite the opposite

Maybe you know this.

You’re doing work that you enjoy and find fulfilling, but the environment of a larger company just doesn’t support you, doesn’t understand you, it’s difficult to get through several levels of approval before something starts to happen, and your enthusiasm fades.

The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, unnatural competition and politics are present everywhere.

At some point you will understand that nothing in the environment is going to change and it is up to you to make the change.

That was exactly my case before I joined intecs. I was working in a company that had grown from a small company to a corporation with about 1500 employees. It hasn’t been boring the whole 18 years, there were plenty of job opportunities as the company grew and you just had to choose. And I did choose – I found a dead spot and created a reporting solution that was quickly adopted by various departments, both for internal and external use.

But despite my fulfilling work to give people what they needed, I began to miss having an overarching team, supportive leadership, technology background, and the ability to professionally consult on new implementations.

I solved everything by self-study and discovering new possibilities with no support from the company. 

My journey in intecs


I got the interview with the CEOs Radim and Luboš on a recommendation from a friend who had already worked at intecs.


Working in a consulting firm gave me a unique opportunity to look into different BI implementations and have an overview on how things work in small, medium and large companies.


My goal was not to lead a team, but to become an even better technician. In intecs they gave me the opportunity to improve myself without having to be a manager.


I was surprised by the difference between corporate practices and a smaller company like intecs. Everyone is on the same boat, owners listen to their employees, CEO Luboš himself is my mentor.


I’m a self-improving worker in intecs. I work primarily alone and that suits me perfectly. Colleagues come to me to consult their solutions and recieve final feedback before they send them to our client.

During the interview, the phrase “we are normal here” made me realise that there would be no corporate politics in intecs and that everyone would do their best.

What I like about working at intecs

It’s a friendly environment, I can always knock on anyone’s door without having a hyper important reason.

Because I often work with the CEO and Sales Director Radim, I am able to look at technical problem solutions through business eyes.

I am constantly growing from my experience. I consult with customers and constructively critique others’ implementations.

50% of my work agenda is dedicated to training clients and colleagues in intecs. This helps me keep up with current BI developments. I stand by what I offer to my customers.

Do you understand BI well now? You will have a similar story to Peter.

From intern to Senior BI Consultant

Peter Nagy
Senior BI Consultant
The whole story of Peter